博客链接: http://codeshold.com/2017/02/system_security_refs.html
- Network and System Security, Second Edition
- John R. Vacca, September 23, 2013
- Reviews: This book has been adopted by technical schools and universities.
- 主要内容:Detecting System Intrusions, Preventing System Intrusions, Guarding Against Network Intrusions, Securing Cloud Computing Systems, Internet Security, Wireless Network Security, Cellular Network Security
- 备注:amazon, 通常需要1-3个月发货。
- 复旦图书馆购买的ScienceDirect数据库中可查阅到,但未购买!(Elsevier - ScienceDirect Journals)–北大购买了
- 计算机系统安全原理与技术(第3版)
- 2013-06-01, 机械工业出版社, 陈波,于泠 著,
- 高等院校信息安全专业规划教材, 江苏省精品课程教材,配套实验教程
- 主要内容:计算机系统安全概论, 密码学基础, 计算机硬件与环境安全, 操作系统安全(windows系统安全机制), 网络安全, 网络安全, 应用系统安全(Java, Web), 应急响应与灾难恢复, 计算机系统安全管理(国内的系列安全标准)
- 点评:和前言的技术结合较少,如云安全等;对国内的系列安全标准做了介绍
- 相关图书:网络安全基础:应用与标准(第5版)
- Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition
- William Stallings, July 18, 2014
- 计算机安全:原理与实践(原书第3版)
- 威廉·斯托林斯(William Stallings), 2016-03-01, 机械工业出版社
- 安全技术和原理,包括密码编码技术、认证以及访问控制;威胁及其对策,从检测入侵者到应对DoS攻击。 可信计算与多级安全。 安全软件:避免缓冲区溢出、恶意输入和其他弱点。 管理安全:物理安全、培训、审计和策略等。 风险分析、评估及处置方法,并分析真实的案例。 计算机犯罪、知识产权、隐私和道德。 密码算法,包括公钥密码体制。 网络安全:SSL、TLS、IP安全、S/MIME、Kerberos、X.509以及联合身份管理。 无线网络安全、威胁和防护措施。
- 点评:涉及到云计算中的安全
- 计算机系统安全(计算机系列教材)
- 2014-10-01, 清华大学出版社, 李章兵 著
- 点评:技术介绍较详细;缺少对国内安全标准的介绍
- Computer Systems Security, 课程主页
- Fall 2014, Graduate
- Syllabus:Cryptography,Control Hijacking Attacks,Web Security,OS Security,Exploiting Hardware Bugs,Mobile Devices 书籍和论文
- 课程内容:黑客攻击、缓冲区溢出、特权隔离、沙盒机制、web安全模型、网络/协议安全、侧信道攻击、医学软件、用户授权、手机安全、数据追踪、安全经济学等
- 其他课程:Network and Computer Security – Spring 2014, Graduate
- Introduction to Computer Security, Network Security, and Applied Cryptography, 课程主页
- 2013 Fall
- Syllabus: Software security, Network security, Applied Cryptography
- Stanford
- Computer and Network Security,课程主页
- Spring 2016
- Syllabus: Basics, Web Security, Network security(including Cloud), Security of mobile platforms
- Berkeley
- Security in Computer Systems, 课程主页
- Syllabus: systems techniques, web security, systems based on cryptography, network security, anonymous communication, crypto currencies, trusted computing, mobile computing, privacy and others.
- Related Courses
- Princeton
- Information Security, 课程主页
- Syllabus: Security issues in computing, communications, and electronic commerce. Goals and vulnerabilities; legal and ethical issues; basic cryptology; private and authenticated communication; electronic commerce; software security; viruses and other malicious code; operating system protection; trusted systems design; network security; firewalls; policy, administration and procedures; auditing; physical security; disaster recovery; reliability; content protection; privacy.
- Dieter Gollmann, Computer Security. [General security textbook. Good for what it covers, but doesn’t cover everything.]