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A Byte of Vim 笔记


作为一名vim深度用户,A Byte of Vim 一直是自己最喜欢的读物。我会向任何想学习vi/vim的朋友推荐它。
务必读英文原版! 英语简单,书也简明!在此感谢swaroopch大神。

下面是自己整理的“A Byete of Vim”笔记,用于回忆和自测。更可作为检测自己是否是一名合格的vim用户!!


“There is no great writing, only great rewriting.” – Louis Brandeis
“Vim if one of the few pieces of software that I use for nearly 10 hours a day.” – Authors
The mantra is Concepts. Examples. Pithy
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.


Powerful means following the paradigm of “Minimal effort. Maximal effect.”

Press * Run :sp Run :50 Run :,100s/old/new/g Press gf

Run :colorscheme desert Run :nmap <c-s> :w<CR>

Run :mksession ~/latest_session.vim -> vim -S ~/latest_session.vim

Run :syntax on -> :set filetype=Wikipedia

Run :set foldmethod=indent Run :tabedit <file>

Press ctrl-n(自动补全) Run :0,10s/form/to/gc Run :%s/from/to/g

Run :help vim-modes-intro Run :edit hello.txt<–>:e hello.txt

Run :help notation(帮助理解命令的含义) Run :help keycodes(特殊按键的表示方法)

Press :ab swf shiwenfeng

Press vab(选定括号内的全部内容help ab) Press dw Press 2d3w


There are three basic modes in Vim - normal, insert and visual

Run :echo "hello world" Run :help usr_toc:help user-manual

Run :help index(可寻找感兴趣的内容)

Run :help vim-modes-intro Run :help mode-switching

Important –> a,A i,I o,O r,R s,S v,V(这个很重要)

+---------+ i,I,a,A,o,O,r,R,s,S +----------+
| Normal  +---------->------------+ Insert |
| mode    |                       | mode   |
|         +----------<------------+        |
+-+---+---+         <Esc>         +--------+
    | |
    | |
    | |
v,V V ^ <Esc>
    | |
    | |
| Visual     |
| mode       |

4.Typing Skills

vi/vim graphical cheat sheet:



Press } { ( )

Press ctrl-o(the previous location) Press ctrl-i

Press ^ $ ctrl-f crtl-b

Press G H(highg) M(middle) L(low) Press : help word-motions

Press :help cursor-motions

Press :help text-objects Press :help object-motions

Press :help motion

press :help various-motions


“The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing”

Run :help Run :help user-manual

Run :help abbreviate Press ctrl-]

Run :helpgrep gt(这个很有用,模糊查询)

Run :cnext Run :cprev Run :clist (这类用的少)

Press ma -> Press 'a Press ~

Run :let &keywordprg=':help' –> K(快捷帮助)

6.Editing Basics

“If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spent six hours sharpening my axe” – Abraham Lincoln

Run :swapname Run :help swap-file

nmap <c-s> :w<CR>

imap <c-s> <Esc>:w<CR>a

Run :e ../tmp/test.txt :cd :pwd

Run :e C:\\shopping\\monday.txt

y -> yank

1G and | -> moves to the first line and the first column respectively

Run dl dw

yy -> operation name twice, it will operate on the

yap -> yank the current paragraph

xp -> swap two characters

dwwP -> swap two words

m{a-zA-z} -> '{a-zA-Z}({}内是可选字母范围)

u/U <-> ctrl-r –> undolevels :earlier 4m(比较有用,回到4分钟之前) :later 45s

:undolist Run :help :undolist/undo-redo/usr_32.txt

set incsearch/ignorecase/smartcase(设置搜索配置) –> /step /Step

Run :help vimrc-intro :help pattern

Run :/\<step\> /\d\+(匹配数字)


:set foldmethod=indent –> zc zo za

:nnoremap <space> za –> noremap

Run :help buffer-list :buffers(查看当前的buffers) :b 1:e XX.txt(切换到对应的buffer) :ls

:sp or ctrl-w s :vsp or ctrl-w v

ctrl-w r –> rotate the windows

ctrl-w K –> move the current windows to the topmost position

ctrl-w _ –> make the cutternt windows as big as possible

ctrl-w = –> make the windows ‘equal’ in height again

:resize 10

:help windows

:tabnew :tabc :help tabpage

:tabmove 0 :tabdo(在每个标签中执行命令)

`:help setting-guitablabel:

8.Personal Information Management


gUl –> to switch the first letter to upper case

g#(匹配的是word) #(匹配的是\<word\>单个词) g* *

qa –> to start recording the macro named as a (register)
q –> stop recording the macro
@a –> apply this to other lines

. –> repeat the last action

:colorscheme desert –> to cycle through the available schemes

:echo strlen(getline('.'))

:let len = strlen(getline('.'))

:echo "We have 'len' characters in this line."

:echo $HOME :echo &filetype :echo @a

:help function-list

:source capitalize.vim :call Capitalize()

:echo has("python")

:help eval :help python-commands :help perl-using

:help ruby-commands


the colon is optional when writing scripts in files

There are various kinds of plugins that can be written

  1. vimrc –> for general customizations
  2. global plugin
  3. filetype plugin
  4. syntax highlighting plugin
  5. compiler plugin

gvimrc –> for GUI specific customizations

:help vimrc

vim -u NONE -> start up Vim without any initialization scripts being run

:hlep -u :help starting

11.Programmers Editor

“Let’s me reiterate that typing skills is critical for a programmer”
“We are typists first, programmers second”

:set filetype=vim $VIMRUNTIME/syntax –> the list of language types available

svn diff | vim -R -(这个还比较实用)

:set autoindent :set smartindent

% -> bounce(curly bracket)

! -> shell commands :sh -> a full-fledged shell :%!sort

gf -> open the file gd -> move to the local definition of the variable name (实用)

gD -> the global declaration ]]

:help object-motions [I -> display all lines that contain they keyword under the cursor

:Vex:Sex (在新窗口中打开当前目录)

ctags cscope :make

omnicompletion -> pythoncomplete.vim -> ftplugin/complete.vim

:runtime! autoload/pythoncomplete.vim

~/.vimrc -> autocmd FiltType python runtime! autoload/pythoncomplete.vim

ctrl-n ctrl-p

:help new-omni-completion

imap <c-space> <c-x><c-o> -> omnicompletion

snippet -> SnippetsEmu

:source % :runtime! ftplugin/python_snippets.vim


Modeline -> vim: noexpandtab

Portable Vim -> GVimPortable.exe

Upgrade plugins -> :GLVS(which stands for ‘G’et ‘L’atest ‘V’im ‘S’cripts) -> :help getscript

Dr.Chip’s plugins -> drawit.vim

Blog from Vim -> Vimpress plugin

Make Firefox work like Vim -> Vimperator add-on

Contribute to Vim -> :help development

Bram’s talk on the seven habits -> “Seven habit of effective text editing”

Community -> hang out at the vim@vim.org

13.What Next

The other important resources -> “Best of Vim Tips” :help user-manual -> the all-important

:help new-7

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